xml_data = null; # clear previously parsed file and related variables
if (is_file($my_uri) && is_readable($my_uri))
{ # existing and readable uri?
$my_file = fopen($my_uri, "r");
while($my_xml_input = fread($my_file, filesize($my_uri)))
$this->xml_data .= $my_xml_input; # add data to xml_data
$this->parse_xml_data($this->xml_data); # parse data
trigger_error("supplied argument is not a URI to a (readable) file", E_USER_ERROR);
var $xml_array = Array(); # xml array from parsed data
function parse_xml_data($my_data)
{ # adapted from class by randlem@gmail.com, tgrabietz@bupnet.de, bbellwfu@gmail.com, Kyle Bresin - see http://nl2.php.net/xml_parse
$this->xml_array = Array(0 => Array()); # clear previously parsed file and related variables; populate first element
$my_parser = xml_parser_create(); # set up parser
xml_set_object($my_parser, $this); # enable parser within object
xml_set_element_handler($my_parser, "xml_tag_open", "xml_tag_close");
xml_set_character_data_handler($my_parser, "xml_tag_data");
if (!xml_parse($my_parser, $my_data))
trigger_error("data can not be parsed", E_USER_ERROR); # inspect problems #die(sprintf(" \nError: %s on line %d \n", xml_error_string(xml_get_error_code($my_parser)), xml_get_current_line_number($my_parser)));
xml_parser_free($my_parser); # free parser
return $this->xml_array; # return xml array
var $my_branch = Array();
function xml_tag_open($my_parser, $my_name, $my_attributes)
array_push($this->my_branch, $my_name); # add tag name to branch
$this->xml_array[] = Array(); # nest array in xml array for data
if (count($my_attributes))
$this->xml_array[count($this->xml_array) - 1]["ATTRIBUTES"] = $my_attributes; # nest attributes array
function xml_tag_data($my_parser, $my_data)
$this->xml_array[count($this->my_branch)]["TEXT_NODE"][] = $my_data; # add data to nested array
$this->xml_array[count($this->my_branch)]["NODES"][] = "TEXT_NODE"; # add text node to nested NODES array
function xml_tag_close($my_parser, $my_name)
$this->xml_array[count($this->my_branch) - 1][$this->my_branch[count($this->my_branch) - 1]][] = $this->xml_array[count($this->xml_array) - 1]; # nest arrays to follow document structure
array_pop($this->xml_array); # pop off element that was nested
$this->xml_array[count($this->my_branch) - 1]["NODES"][] = $my_name; # add tag node to nested NODES array
array_pop($this->my_branch); # update branch
$xmlFile = 'http://www.tetu.com/rss/rss.php';
$xmlData = file_get_contents($xmlFile);
$tpl_td = '
| ';
$data = new my_xml_object();
echo '';
$max = min(10, count($data->xml_array[0]['RDF:RDF'][0]['ITEM']));
$offset = ceil($max/1);
for($i = 0; $i < $offset; $i++)
echo '';
$info = array();
$info['title'] = '';
foreach ($data->xml_array[0]['RDF:RDF'][0]['ITEM'][$i]['TITLE'][0]['TEXT_NODE'] as $part)
$info['title'] .= $part;
$info['link'] = $data->xml_array[0]['RDF:RDF'][0]['ITEM'][$i]['LINK'][0]['TEXT_NODE'][0];
$info['desc'] = '';
foreach ($data->xml_array[0]['RDF:RDF'][0]['ITEM'][$i]['DESCRIPTION'][0]['TEXT_NODE'] as $part)
$info['desc'] .= $part;
$info['date'] = $data->xml_array[0]['RDF:RDF'][0]['ITEM'][$i]['DC:DATE'][0]['TEXT_NODE'][0];
$td = $tpl_td;
$td = str_replace('{title}', utf8_decode($info['title']), $td);
$td = str_replace('{link}', $info['link'], $td);
$td = str_replace('{desc}', utf8_decode($info['desc']), $td);
echo $td;
$info = array();
$info['title'] = '';
foreach ($data->xml_array[0]['RDF:RDF'][0]['ITEM'][$i+$offset]['TITLE'][0]['TEXT_NODE'] as $part)
$info['title'] .= $part;
$info['link'] = $data->xml_array[0]['RDF:RDF'][0]['ITEM'][$i+$offset]['LINK'][0]['TEXT_NODE'][0];
$info['desc'] = '';
foreach ($data->xml_array[0]['RDF:RDF'][0]['ITEM'][$i+$offset]['DESCRIPTION'][0]['TEXT_NODE'] as $part)
$info['desc'] .= $part;
$info['date'] = $data->xml_array[0]['RDF:RDF'][0]['ITEM'][$i+$offset]['DC:DATE'][0]['TEXT_NODE'][0];
$td = $tpl_td;
$td = str_replace('{title}', utf8_decode($info['title']), $td);
$td = str_replace('{link}', $info['link'], $td);
$td = str_replace('{desc}', utf8_decode($info['desc']), $td);
echo $td;
echo ' | ';
echo ' ';
echo ' ';
echo '';
echo '';
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